Small scale livestock and livelihood program

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plot 134, Lizulu street, area 47, Lilongwe, Lilongwe, Malawi, Malawi
Small scale livestock and livelihood program
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Small scale livestock and livelihood program

plot 134, Lizulu street, area 47, Lilongwe, Lilongwe, Malawi, Malawi

Company Profile

SSLLP is an organization that is combating poverty in families using dairy product that come from animals.


SSLLP is an organization that is combating poverty in families using dairy product that come from animals.

We offer training and we also provide abattoir services

Product / Service Description

We offer training and we also provide abattoir services

More Company Information

Year Company established: 2014

Activities that your Company is involved

  • Hides & Skins Collectors/transporters
  • Hides & Skins Traders/dealers
Number of employees of the Company:: 10 to 20 Persons


plot 134, Lizulu street, area 47, Lilongwe, Lilongwe, Malawi, Malawi

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