Sandeh investment is a business that was started in 2016 by Mr Sandeh. it first started as a butcher but now it has grown, we buy and sell skins, we have an abattoir, we also make sandals on a small scale.
Sandeh investment is a business that was started in 2016 by Mr Sandeh. it first started as a butcher but now it has grown, we buy and sell skins, we have an abattoir, we also make sandals on a small scale.
we have an abattoir, we collect and sell skins, we make sandals
Product / Service Description
we have an abattoir, we collect and sell skins, we make sandals
More Company Information
Year Company established:2016
Activities that your Company is involved
Abattoirs/ slaughter houses
Hides & Skins Collectors/transporters
Hides & Skins Traders/dealers
Number of employees of the Company::
Less than 10 Persons