Listings in Training/Academic Institutions, Footwear Manufacturer, Leather Professionals and Incubation Centers

Showing 10 of 22 results
Dedan Kimathi University
Dedan Kimathi University
private bag Nyeri, Nyeri, Kenya 10143, Kenya
Kenya Industrial Training Institute
Kenya Industrial Training Institute
280 Nakuru subukia road, Nakuru, Kenya 20100, Kenya
Mchini chadiza Road no c124 dyakanani , NIL, Muchini, CHIPATA, Zambia 1111, Zambia
Producer of leather footware and vegitable leather tanning
LUGALA, PLOT 233, BLOCK 25, MUGEMA ROAD, Kampala, Uganda KAMPALA, Uganda
JORA SHOES exists to avail quality leather footwear and goods flood the market to meet the expectations of the users from Generation to Generation
Monitoring and Evaluation
sdgfhgjmg, sgdhfjg, Addis Ababa 55678, Ethiopia
EAC Export Tax, Market is inclined to Kenya Quality inputs, following measures, personal supervision & followup Visual observation- he him self is doing Quality of leather (inputs), supervision Quality Staff, Direct supervision, stitching, buying
University of Nairobi
University of Nairobi
30197 GPO Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya 00100, Kenya
National University of Science and Technology
National University of Science and Technology
Corner Cecil Avenue and Gwanda Road, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe +263, Zimbabwe
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