Our company Islex Export plc are engaged on Leather products mainly on Shoes manufacturing. Our market location manly Exporting on Africa market like Kenya.
hanbell manufacturing PLC established by Ms. Bersabel Mulat focusing on the manufactures a range of product for both men and women of all age groups, leather Bags made from 100% local material and real leather
KUBWIMANA Company is a leather sandals manufacturing and repair enterprise which is established at Musinzira in Gitega City. Their point of sale is Gihamagara and Itaba market in Gitega.Their products and services are very appreciated due to their e
Small enteprise that manufacture shoes...Mission:Making strong shoes that replace importation.
Achievements: Thousands of local demand satisfied and several jobs created...
Vision:Grow more and more til they export leather shoes made in Burundi
Pradox is a small leather products manufacturing company.Manager:NSHIMIRIMANA PLACIDE.
MISSION: Manufacturing modern leather products.
VISION:Big trademark creation.
Strengt:Products appreciated at all their sale points.