Private enterprise that evolve in leather products manufacturing.Owner :Zephyrin Nsabimana
Shikurabe produces all kind of products from leather material such as footwear, Leathercraft products...
Their products have a good reputation and are sold e
Small leather products manufacturing enterpriseMission: Making awesome leather products and Improve life people conditions.
Achievements: Thousands of leather products units sold...
Vision: Capital growth, Production Growth...High Quality produc
he Cluster Core Competencies aredrawn from the following
fundamentals: The Cluster have
a large base of experience drawn
from its membership, which is
composed of highly qualified
and experienced personnel who
have worked for many years in
“The footwear Company, BATA has brands which are celebrated as part of the ‘heritage’ brands of Zimbabwe. The Company’s ongoing strategic initiatives is to invest in growth initiatives in a challenging economic environment, as well as in creating sha