Sankhani village, chitedze, lilongwe, Lilongwe, Malawi, Malawi

CNB Farms

Sankhani village, chitedze, lilongwe, Lilongwe, Malawi, Malawi

Company Profile

CNB farms provides high quality meat and has an abattoir and also collect skins


CNB farms provides high quality meat and has an abattoir and also collect skins

Abattoir and skins collector

Product / Service Description

Abattoir and skins collector

More Company Information

Year Company established: 2018

Activities that your Company is involved

  • Abattoirs/ slaughter houses
  • Hides & Skins Collectors/transporters
  • Hides & Skins Traders/dealers
Number of employees of the Company:: 20 to 50 Persons


Sankhani village, chitedze, lilongwe, Lilongwe, Malawi, Malawi

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